How ecommerce giant ABOUT YOU unified feedback & development

ABOUT YOU is digitalizing the classic shopping stroll by creating an inspiring and personalized shopping experience on the smartphone. The platform is tailoring the site to each customer’s individual style.
Hamburg, Germany
Company size
Features used
  • Performance Reviews
  • Goals & OKRs
  • Feedback & Praise
  • Meetings

“Leapsome enhances meaningful feedback and employee engagement. It’s a must-have for every company at any stage. We are growing towards 750 employees but the rollout was easy, fast and successful nonetheless.

The great customer support helped us through the whole onboarding process.”

Thore Schӓck
Head of HR & Recruiting

ABOUT YOU is one of Europe’s fastest-growing E-Commerce companies. Founded in 2014, the company has grown from 3 employees to over 700 in just 5 years; simultaneously becoming Hamburg’s first “unicorn” after surpassing a valuation of more than $1billion and raising a total of $300m in funding.

The Challenge

With this rapid growth came many challenges, namely maintaining the great culture at ABOUT YOU. At the start of 2019, ABOUT YOU recognized that they needed to improve their performance management processes; an insight that came from an internal employee survey. The survey results demonstrated a need for light-weight performance reviews, bottom-up feedback, 360 reviews and more structure in their OKR processes.

Even though ABOUT YOU already had several processes and tools for performance management in place, it was clear that they were not providing the solution required. It transpired that the employee experience varied greatly depending on the individual processes of each employee’s direct manager. In some cases, employees might have never received a performance review from their manager during their time at ABOUT YOU. These processes were often managed from spreadsheets and were kept apart from the processes controlled by the HR department.

Due to this fragmentation across the organization, the HR department were unable to have an overview of the feedback and development support employees were receiving – and they certainly didn’t have access to any useful people analytics to inform decisions for improvement.

To solve this challenge, the HR department sought out a performance management platform that would help them develop a feedback culture and improve the processes used to foster professional development.

The Solution

ABOUT YOU had previously tried to implement other solution providers but they were not well adopted by employees due to poor user experience. With this in mind, they were looking for a platform that was intuitive to use, and would remove the barriers to giving and receiving feedback for all managers and employees. As a fast-growing tech company, they wanted to work with the best platform available to them.

While searching for a platform that provides an all-in-one solution, the team at ABOUT YOU received a recommendation for Leapsome via a network of HR practitioners.

Having selected Leapsome as the platform to implement, ABOUT YOU first enabled the features for Performance Reviews, Goal Management, Feedback & Praise, and Meetings. The HR team decided to make performance reviews mandatory for everyone in the company but the use of the other features was optional to begin with; giving the managers autonomy to control their own process.

The Result

The rollout faced some initial headwind - particularly with the employees who were required to adapt from previous solution providers. However, due to the intuitive user experience and ease of getting set up, it wasn’t long before employees across the company were easily convinced of the huge benefits that Leapsome would bring.

Having successfully rolled out Leapsome and used it to run the first performance review cycle, ABOUT YOU’s HR team could immediately see an increase in development talks taking place between managers and their reports.

Now, all employees receive regular structured feedback, and managers within ABOUT YOU are grateful for the platform’s guidance on how to run a structured feedback process.  Managers now feel more confident giving feedback to their reports and teams and the quality of feedback being given has improved as a result.

Plus, Leapsome’s actionable people analytics enable ABOUT YOU’s HR team and managers to recognize where they need to focus their attention by giving them a clear overview of their performance and development needs throughout the whole company.

10 months on, ABOUT YOU now plan to expand the adoption of Leapsome’s Goals & OKR feature to other parts of the company, having already observed some departments using the features with great success. 

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Die KI-gestützte HR-Plattform für erfolgreiche Teams und Personalabteilungen

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