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Increase engagement & retention with Leapsome’s Competency Framework

Leapsome Team
Increase engagement & retention with Leapsome’s Competency Framework
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In a report by Glassdoor’s chief economist, published in the Harvard Business Review, allowing someone to stagnate in their role is one of the main reasons why employees choose to leave their company. Without a doubt, giving employees an understanding of where their skill set currently stands and what they need to improve on to accelerate their career progress is critical for engagement and retention.

With Leapsome’s Competency Framework, you can clearly define the expectations for each individual skill at different seniority levels within the organization and present this on a matrix.

A screenshot of Leapsome’s Competency Framework in matrix view.

As a Leapsome admin, you can set up and define the Competency Framework for your company in the “Admin Settings” panel. Each new skill within the framework can be assigned to “Everyone” (i.e., applicable to the whole company) or a specific team. Skills can also be associated with a category, which is useful for the aggregation of skills in analytics.

A screenshot of Leapsome’s Competency Framework in list view.

You can also use the “Levels” feature to create unique descriptions for each individual skill level. What’s expected from a junior employee for “Problem-solving” might be very different from the expectations for a senior-level executive. All of this is now easily viewable in the matrix view.

The Competency Framework is tightly integrated with core parts of the Leapsome platform, including Performance Reviews, Goals & OKRs, and Instant Feedback.

The Competency Framework in Performance Reviews

Performance reviews become extremely powerful once the Competency Framework is set up and each employee is assigned a level (this data can also be imported from your HRIS via one of Leapsome’s integrations). When setting up a performance review, questions can be tied to specific skills within the Competency Framework. The reviewer will then see the description for each skill that corresponds to the reviewee’s level when writing a performance review, ensuring that feedback is objective against the criteria for the reviewee’s seniority. Once the review process is complete, the resulting analytics data is mapped to the Competency Framework skills.

As an individual employee, you’ll see your performance review results on your Leapsome Dashboard under “Competency Profile.”

The Competency Framework in Instant Feedback

Similarly, skills can be used within Leapsome’s Instant Feedback module. This means that, in addition to providing overall feedback, you can write comments linked to a specific skill and rate the individual’s skill on a sliding scale. With feedback tied to the company’s core skills, it’s easier for the recipient to understand their current performance levels.

A screenshot of Leapsome’s Instant Feedback module.

The Competency Framework in our Goals and Meetings modules

When creating a new goal in Leapsome, you can now make it a “Development Goal” by associating it with a corresponding competency. This helps you create an action plan and keep track of progress on your way toward building deeper proficiency in certain areas. These development goals are also displayed in 1:1 meetings between employees and their managers.

With the new Competency Framework feature, we aim to help you facilitate employee development, foster fair reviews, and boost engagement. As we’ve discussed, knowing where someone can improve and where they’re already doing an outstanding job is critical for employee satisfaction — and will help you reach organization-level goals much faster!

🌱 Show your people how they can grow

Use Leapsome’s Competency Framework to create clarity, transparency, and alignment around development opportunities.

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Leapsome Team

Written by the team at Leapsome — the all-in-one people enablement platform for driving employee engagement, performance, and learning.
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