York Street Project

Kyle O'Neill on using Leapsome to get a pulse on employee engagement

The mission of the York Street Project is to weave innovative programs that shelter, feed, educate and promote the healing and independence of persons in need, especially women, children, and their families.

Jersey City, NJ, USA
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Features Used:
  • Reviews
  • Goals
  • Surveys
  • Learning

Leapsome constantly rolls out updates to an already fantastic product. They take feedback seriously and implement ideas based on customers’ needs. The platform is fully straightforward to navigate and understand. Best of all, it’s very easy to teach to all staff members. 

Overall, it’s a great resource for our organization — we have a better pulse on our employee’s engagement level than ever before. Leapsome’s internal feedback loop options make it easy to listen and learn from staff members.”

Kyle O'Neill
Director of Operations

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4.9/5 is rated on G2 and Capterra.