
Nika Bešker on how Leapsome enables personal and developmental goal-tracking and performance management at Repsly.

Repsly, Inc. provides retail execution software that empowers CPG teams to make data-driven insights and achieve peak performance in the field.

Boston, MA, USA
Company size
Features used
  • Reviews
  • Surveys
  • Goals

“We were looking for a performance management solution that embodies our core values — transparency, respect, team work, and development — and found exactly that in Leapsome. 

Since implementing, Leapsome has enabled significantly easier personal and developmental goal-tracking and sharing feedback and shoutouts. The simplicity and user-friendliness of the platform allows us and our teams to continuously discover new ways in which Leapsome can support performance management and the growth of our culture. 

At the same time, having a central place for managing individual performance, team performance, and gathering feedback is very productive and effective.”

Nika Bešker
Strategic Business Analyst and HR Project Manager

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Die HR-Plattform, die Teams wirklich weiterbringt

Automatisiert, verknüpft und vereinfacht HR-Prozesse – von Einarbeitung über Entwicklung bis Talentbindung.

  • Zeitersparnis durch Automatisierungen ⏱️
  • AI-gestützte Vorschläge, Einblicke und Aktionspläne 🪄
  • Flexible, skalierbare Workflows 📈

Vereinbart einen Termin mit unseren Produktexperten und erfahrt, wie Leapsome dabei helfen kann, eure Arbeit einfacher zu machen.

Leapsome unterstützt über 1.750 HR-Teams in Deutschland und weltweit

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