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Hold high-leverage meetings with Leapsome’s new Team Check-Ins feature

Leapsome Team
Hold high-leverage meetings with Leapsome’s new Team Check-Ins feature
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We’ve all been there. Someone calls a team meeting to share updates on each other’s work, but by the time everyone’s had their say, an hour has flown by; the conversation has gone off on several tangents; and afterward, there are follow-up emails from participants who forgot to mention crucial talking points. Sometimes the benefits of meeting in person don’t seem to compensate for the time it takes to do so. On the other hand, it’s hard to maintain a sense of alignment without getting people together face-to-face. Wouldn’t it be great if you could optimize your meetings so that checking in becomes a high-leverage activity? 

Enter Team Check-Ins: the newest addition to Leapsome’s toolkit. Team Check-Ins provide a structured space in which any combination of colleagues (including pre-defined teams) can plan and run efficient meetings. 

As with 1-on-1 Meetings within Leapsome, the Team Meetings & Check-Ins feature provides a customizable agenda framework by which to structure your meeting. You might vary the agenda depending on the type of meeting you’re having: adding specific sections for discussing recent achievements, upcoming plans, or roadblocks, for instance.

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Any participant can add talking points to the meeting agenda in advance, with the option to make each talking point public or private. Team members can leave comments on any agenda item – whether their own or someone else’s – which sets the meeting on the right track by giving a preview of what people want to discuss. Advance commenting also highlights where team members want to build on each other’s talking points, and where they hold diverging opinions.  

Screenshot of a Leapsome check-in agenda among the leadership team
Add talking points to be discussed under the relevant section

Once in the meeting, participants can add notes underneath the agenda to keep a record of what’s been discussed Together with the fact that unchecked agenda items can be set to automatically roll over to the next meeting, ongoing quick access to past meeting notes and agendas makes it easy to remember what’s already been covered and what’s been left on the back burner.

Another huge benefit of the team check-in feature is the ability to view other participants’ goals and OKRs, which allows you to cross-reference your purpose with others and understand what the team as a whole is striving towards. Not only does this keep team members aligned with each other — it also maximises the possibilities for collaboration and mutual support, as you get a consistent overview of other people’s priorities. This is especially useful for companies new to OKRs, in that it encourages employees and managers to keep their goals in mind throughout the quarter – not just at the end of each cycle!

Image of the Leapsome meeting feature, displaying an OKR check-in meeting agenda
Team check-ins make it easy to get in the habit of updating OKR progress

Lastly, the feature offers in-depth people analytics, which gives admins and managers insights into the frequency and spread of team check-ins throughout the workforce. In this way, you can understand who is meeting with whom and how often – although note that meeting agendas are protected and remain private between the meeting participants. 

Perfect opportunities to use the team meetings & check-ins feature might include launching a new project, holding a retrospective, or assessing your OKR progress as a team. Whatever the occasion, Leapsome’s feature maximizes your meeting efficiency and keeps the conversation on track. And you’ll always know when a meeting is coming up due to Leapsome’s calendar integration.

If you like the sound of high-leverage meetings, sign up for free today — or start with a product tour to get introduced to all the features offered by Leapsome for meetings, performance and 360° reviews, employee engagement surveys, continuous feedback, and much more.

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Utilize Leapsome Meetings to foster productive discussions, align goals, and drive meaningful outcomes — all for free.

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Leapsome Team

Written by the team at Leapsome — the all-in-one people enablement platform for driving employee engagement, performance, and learning.
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